We love to see our patients in person but understand that this is not always possible. Telehealth appointments are a convenient, cost-effective alternative for patients who are more comfortable meeting with their providers via a virtual visit. Patients receive the same quality of care as they would with an in-person visit with the added benefit of being able to take the video call from the comfort of their own home. The goal for both in-person and virtual visits remains the same: providing you with deep expertise and compassionate care to get the best clinical outcomes.

Our providers will get to know you, your needs, concerns, and history, so they can tailor treatment to your unique case. Be prepared to discuss your medical history and past psychiatric treatment and medications. The session will be used to assess this information and then provide you with a diagnosis and treatment. Your provider will also connect you with helpful resources and trained therapists who can support your healing.

Our providers typically see patients once a month. Once patients are stabilized and no longer require changes to their medication, providers can change the cadence of appointments to every 2-3 months.

Patients who are unable to get into our office can still receive prescriptions and manage their medication through our telehealth offering.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a safe intervention if administered by trained medical professionals. While there are some side effects associated with TMS, these are generally mild. Some patients will have headaches or pain or tingling in the scalp. These effects can be treated with over the counter medication and should be compared to the side effects of taking antidepressants long-term.

Health is just one appointment away. Take the next step today.